22/11/2023 Credit Corporation appoints experienced lawyer as Company Secretary

The Credit Corporation PNG Board has today announced the appointment of Ms. Amanda Libitino as Company Secretary, effective 22 November 2023. Ms. Libitino commenced her role at Credit Corporation as Assistant Company Secretary in August 2022 and was appointed as Acting Company Secretary in January 2023.
Ms. Libitino is a lawyer by profession with over a decade of experience in commercial and litigation matters and as a corporate in-house lawyer, having worked with the Office of the State Solicitor and Nambawan Super Limited, prior to joining Credit Corporation. As the Acting Company Secretary, she has been supporting corporate governance, regulatory compliance, and maintaining transparent communication between the organisation’s stakeholders. The Company Secretary’s role also provides support to the Board.
Credit Corporation PNG Limited Chairman, Dr Albert Mellam said, “Ms. Libitino has proven to be a fantastic asset for Credit Corporation since joining the organisation last year. We look forward to her leadership and active contributions towards our legal, governance and regulatory compliance functions as we continue to navigate our transition to becoming a niche commercial bank.”
Ms. Libitino said it was an honor to be appointed to the permanent role with Credit Corporation at such an important juncture for the organisation. Credit Corporation has Bank of Papua New Guinea “Approval in Principle” for a period of 12 months to transition CCF’s current license from a financial institution to a commercial bank. The latter is expected in 2024.
“I am looking forward to leading our corporate governance and regulatory compliance functions and leveraging my insights and experience in the financial services sector to support the execution of Credit Corporation’s strategic initiatives while continuing to facilitate effective communication with our shareholders,” she said.
Ms. Libitino holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of Papua New Guinea and is a current member of the PNG Law Society. She also successfully completed the Victorian Bar Readers Course in 2019 where she signed the Roll of Overseas Counsel in Melbourne, Australia, further enhancing her legal acumen and professional capabilities.