Credit Corporation and Project Yumi Inc sign a Corporate Sponsorship for the youth empowerment program Project Wok

Project Yumi Inc, an Australian and Papua New Guinea (PNG) registered not for profit, and Credit Corporation today announced that they have signed a Corporate Sponsorship Agreement for the delivery of Project Wok to 480 Grade 12 students in 2023.

In recognition of the major challenge that youth unemployment in PNG is Project Yumi Inc’s Project Wok Program empowers PNG school leavers with sustainable skills that will help them create the foundations they need to build a successful future. Project Wok equips Grade 12 students with strategies to help them transition from the school room to the workforce through an experiential, facilitator led training program that comprises four modules of job search and employment readiness education.

Project Yumi Inc Founder, Renee Mero, said that “The Project Yumi team is very excited to see Project Wok launch with the sponsorship of Credit Corporation as we have seen through the pilot program that attending the program can change lives. We look forward to seeing the opportunities that the program creates for its participants in 2023.”

“Credit Corporation has a proud 43-year history of supporting local communities, partnering with not for profits and community organisations, and investing in the development of our people. Our sponsorship of Project Wok demonstrates our commitment to do what we can to respond to one of the complex challenges that faces PNG.” said Credit Corporation CEO, Danny Robinson.

Head of People & Culture, Loka Niumatairua, proudly explained that Credit Corporation staff have enthusiastically registered to become Volunteer Project Wok facilitators and mentors in their free time. She further stated that Credit Corporation can always rely upon its compassionate staff to support the work that we do in our communities. The staff have a strong social conscience and we always look for opportunities that directly engage our people and contribute to solving social challenges.

Project Wok is aimed at Grade 12 students who would not ordinarily undertake further tertiary studies. Those students who do not have access to support in seeking employment opportunities.

In addition to the job readiness training, the Project Wok program will also offer the opportunity for its graduates to apply for work experience and internship placement. “We are delighted to announce that Credit Corporation have committed to offering internship placement opportunities for some Project Wok graduates” said Volunteer Project Wok Facilitator, Dawn Robinson.